Use yhelp to bring up a list of commands. Each of the commands will, if necessary, walkthrough its formatting and its utilization.
Here is a list of all the commands currently available in YetiBot:
ymusic - View all available commands
yban - Remove a user and revoke ability to rejoin the discord server.
yunban - Allow a banned user to join the discord server.
ykick - Remove a user from the discord server.
yrole - Create a new role with certain attributes and permissions.
yinvite - Gets the invite link for YetiBot.
yaddtext - Add a text channel to the discord server.
yaddvoice - Add a voice channel to the discord server.
yfstats - View the Fortnite™ statistics for a player.
yfshop - View the current Fortnite™ shop stock.
yflb - View the Fortnite™ leaderboard.
See All Commands
Add Text Channel
Add Voice Channel
Fortnite Stats
Fortnite Shop
Fortnite Leaderboard